Tunic Of Colors July Newsletter

“I thank my God every time I remember you…

…I always pray with joy… That he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 1:3-6


Dear Tunic of Colors family,

We are truly grateful for all your prayers and support. Thank you for sharing of your resources and partnering with us in transforming the lives of the most vulnerable among the Venezuelan population.As most of you know, Venezuela is in the midst of tremendous suffering. The severe lack of the most basic food staples and medical supplies, the crime rate in the country, which has become one of the highest in the world makes it extremely difficult to carry out even the most basic daily activities. Because of the scarcity in food production or imports, people are literally dying of hunger.

Tunic of colors, more than ever, is committed to carrying out the work which our Lord Jesus Christ commissioned us to do, which is to go into all the world and make disciples of all people.I am so excited to share with you the news that we have just opened two new locations where we are caring for children in dire need of food, clothing, medical and school supplies, and most important of all, sharing the good news of the risen Christ!

One of those locations is in Maturin.
Maturin is located in eastern Venezuela, approximately 312 miles southeast of the Venezuelan capital of Caracas.

In Maturin, a fully furnished house has become available to Tunic of Colors for the amazing price of only $2000!

With your generous support, this house will be renovated and reconditioned to feed, educate and care for numerous children in that city.

The city Upata Is found about 450 miles southeast of Caracas. Our staff and volunteers are committed to serving and meeting the needs of children of all ages in this city.

We are already serving close to a dozen children Who would otherwise go hungry or not have a safe place for education or recreation.With your help, together we have begun this important work which will yield an eternal harvest.
I have the conviction that God will carry out the work He began on to completion!

I ask for your renewed prayers, your generous support, and help, by telling others in your network of friends and family about Tunic of Colors, as we continue to be the “hands and feet“ of our Lord in serving these beautiful children in Venezuela.

In His love,
Alexis Ramirez
Missions Pastor
Providence Baptist Church